Emotional Intelligence, Work-Family Conflict, Psychological Resilience and Employee Commitment in Banking Sector of Pakistan
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We have examined the effect of emotional intelligence (independent variable) on employee commitment (dependent variable) through work-family conflict (mediator) in the presence of Psychological resilience (moderator). Data was collected from the employees (Managers, Assistant Managers, Credit Officer and Cash Officer) of 254 (77 Islamic and 177 Conventional) bank branches working in Pakistan by using the seven-point Likert scale instrument. Mediation was tested through hierarchical multiple regression where results shown that the emotional intelligence and psychological resilience are significant with employee commitment. We have concluded that Emotionaly intelligent and psychological resilient employees are more committed with their job but no change occured in their commitment due to mediation of work-family conflict. Moreover the psychological resilience does not moderate the relationship between work-family conflict and employee commitment.
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