Government policies in combating global pandemic: A comparative analysis of different political regimes

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Salman Naseer
Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor
Saba Hameed
Raheela Saleem
Hafiz Imran
Iqra Zafar
Abdul Rehman
Ghulam Murtaza


Significant problems with public health, the economy, and politics have been brought on by COVID-19 in numerous nations worldwide. We offer a preliminary comparison of monarchies, democracies, and authoritarian regimes along with policy recommendations to strengthen their governance and ability to fight the pandemic, while the global effort to combat the virus continues in their responses to COVID-19 and addresses these research gaps. The present study examines the measures implemented by several government regimes in China, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Germany, and the United Kingdom to counteract the global pandemic, utilizing diverse approaches. According to the findings, countries that employ authoritarian tactics are better at containing the pandemic. Although they are unhappy with the information flow, Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy, and China, an authoritarian regime, are more successful in containing the outbreak. Democratic administrations might find it more difficult to react rapidly to pandemics. The study also found that, in Saudi Arabia and China, the number of instances was comparatively lower than in the US, UK, and Germany when mixed approaches were employed under the constitutional, federal, and democratic governmental frameworks.

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How to Cite
Naseer, S., Ghafoor, M. M., Saba Hameed, Raheela Saleem, Hafiz Imran, Zafar, I., Rehman, A., & Murtaza, G. (2023). Government policies in combating global pandemic: A comparative analysis of different political regimes. Pakistan Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(2), 65-91. Retrieved from


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