Impact of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) on the Academic Achievement of Slow Learners
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Achievement of majority of our students is always low in mathematics. Particularly, slow-learning students are observed to have low achievement in mathematics. Review of related literature also revealed that achievement of slow-learners is always low in mathematics. So, a study was conducted to analyze the effect of the Vygotsky‘s concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) for enhancing achievement of low-learners. The methodology employed was a true experimental design known as pretest-posttest control group design. A sample of 48 students was chosen and equated on the basis of their pretest scores into two groups and assigned experimental group (N=24) and control group (N=24). Each group was further sub-divided into low-achievers (N=12) and high-achievers (N=12) in the light of their pretest scores. The instrument used in the research was a self-developed achievement test in the subject of mathematics for 8th grade. The treatment span was six weeks, forty minutes a day. The same achievement was to be used as posttest. After treatment, the scores obtained were analyzed through mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variability and t-test. Results of the study revealed that low-achievers who were taught through Vygotskian methodology complemented by scaffolding showed better achievement in mathematics than the low-achievers of the control group taught through traditional method. Vygotskian model proved a better substitute of traditional mode of teaching mathematics for slow learners in elementary classes.
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