Pakistan's Foreign Policy Nexus: Exploring Intersections with Employment, Social Media, Sports, and Education
Main Article Content
The study explores how Pakistan's foreign policy impacts key socioeconomic areas like employment, social media, sports diplomacy, and education. The study collected data from Pakistan's university teachers and students who shared their insights through qualitative and quantitative data. The main goals were to assess foreign policy's influence on these areas and its alignment with Pakistani citizens' aspirations. The open-ended survey findings indicate that while there is a belief in foreign policy's potential to enhance global support, its specific impact on employment, social media, sports, and education varies. The quantitative aspect of the study shows that employment opportunities were positively linked to foreign policy. At the same time, social media, education, and sports diplomacy played a crucial role in shaping public perception and diplomatic relations. Based on these findings, several policy recommendations are proposed. Short-term actions include enhancing job opportunities, boosting social media engagement, supporting sports diplomacy, and improving communication strategies. Medium-term strategies focus on strengthening economic diplomacy, expanding digital diplomacy efforts, promoting sports initiatives, and ensuring policy coherence. Long-term recommendations advocate for sustainable employment strategies, investing in digital infrastructure, fostering global sports partnerships, and creating an integrated policy framework. These recommendations aim to align Pakistan's foreign policy with its people's socioeconomic needs and objectives, fostering a more comprehensive and practical foreign policy framework.
Article Details
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