“SADIQ-21”: A New High Yielding and Drought Tolerant Wheat Variety

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Imtiaz Ali


Sadiq-21 is the recently approved bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety holding higher grain yield potential and resistance against foliar diseases including rusts. It has been recommended for general cultivation in Punjab in 2021. The variety has been evolved through selection from exotic germplasm at Regional Agricultural Research Institute (RARI), Bahawalpur. The variety owns higher grain yield potential (>6700 kg ha-1) and resistance against rusts (yellow rust, brown rust and black rust). The variety has better adaptability to withstand low moisture stress, therefore can better yield in rainfed areas of the province as well. It has good grain size (1000-grain weight ranges 38-40g), dense grain with high test weight (75.7 kg hl-­1) and semi dwarf height range (110-115cm). It is less appealing to aphids and very good receptive to fertilizers. Its grain is amber in colour containing good total protein, gluten protein and starch (12.9%, 21% and 53.9% respectively). Chapati making quality is good. It has good potential yield when sown during first fortnights of November @ 100-120 kg seed ha-1 and NPK dose of 150-120-60 kg ha-1, respectively in average fertile soils. In short Sadiq-21 can play an important role in boosting existing yield outcome and in annual seed replacement percentage.

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How to Cite
Ali, I. (2023). “SADIQ-21”: A New High Yielding and Drought Tolerant Wheat Variety. Pakistan Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1), 164-178. Retrieved from https://pjmr.org/pjmr/article/view/366


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